Sunday, March 13, 2016


I finally sowed the seed for oil painting! I knew that the only way to pick up oil paints was to join some sort of a formal class. I stumbled upon a continuing education course with Emory here in Atlanta and was happy to see a 'Beginner's Oil Painting' class listed. Its been two classes so far and the best part about it has been coming home with a painted canvas :), I'm glad I took it up. We started with black and white still life and then moved onto colour theory. Its super fun to paint with other amateurs and to be guided by a fantastic teacher, Guy Robinson. Looking forward to the remaining classes and some more art...


  1. Yay! So happy to see you pursue this with such passion :)
    You know I'll be waiting for your next oil painting post. PS: whatsapp kiya toh bhi chalega 😜
